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Puppy Best Start (TM) Program 

Our Puppy Best Start (TM) is  specialized daycare + training for puppies 8- weeks to 6 months. In our whole dog development program your pup will spend the day playing sensory games, learning social skills, and foundational obedience!


Offer Puppy Best Start (TM) at your facility!


Our Objectives

Maximizing Your Dogs Behavioral and Emotional Potential

Did you know your puppy's brain is under construction? The work you do now can shape your dog's temperament for a lifetime. Our objectives are to develop your puppy's impressionable brain now to become the best dog they can be. 


A dog who:


  1. Can respond appropriately to their world (non-reactive)

  2. Is resilient

  3. Has impulse control

  4. Has handler focus (Listens)

  5. Has the foundations for a good recall (come when called)

  6. Has the foundations for good leash skills

  7. Is comfortable with people & dogs

Dog Walker

How does Puppy Best Start Work

Here's the details

Puppy Best Start is offered Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9-3:30 at Dog Days Vandalia. (Drop off 7-9 AM. Pick up 3:30 -6 PM)


It is flexible like any other daycare program. You make reservations for the days you want to come.


Our structured play-based training experience includes:

  • Small puppy play groups which are supervised by our Trainer

    • Teach good play skills, impulse control, and emotional regulation

  • Sensory Enrichment games​

    • Exposure to novel items, such as umbrellas, strollers, skateboards, strange surfaces, & more

  • Exposure to vet clinic scenarios, like being held while a stethoscope touches the puppy or the puppy’s teeth are examined.

  • Exposure to grooming, like the sound of a nail grinder (Dremel), brushing and standing on the grooming table.

  • Foundational obedience

You get a report card at the end of each day!


Program Length

8 weeks to 6 Months Old

Most puppies come 1 or 2 days a week until they turn 6 months old but there is not an attendance requirement. At 6 months old your pup may continue to our "Tweener" Adolescent Program.

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